Water Injury Treatment Clinic in Ellenton, FL
While the summer heat makes water sports enjoyable, it also causes an increase in water-related accidents. These can include everything from trips and falls on damp surfaces to more significant disasters like boating or diving mishaps. Visit Dr. Espinel, MD, at PrimeHealth Urgent Care for water-related injury treatment. For more information, contact us or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at We are conveniently located at 4015 US HWY 301 Ellenton, FL 34222.

Table of Contents:
Can water in the ear cause serious damage?
What happens if you ignore a swimmer’s ear?
What are the symptoms of a water-bacterial infection?
What diseases spread in pools?
Water damage in the ear can affect health in several ways. When water gets into the ear canal, bacteria and fungi can thrive in the warm, moist environment, leading to conditions such as swimmer’s ear. This is a common problem caused by bacterial or fungal infections that can cause itching, redness, swelling, and discharge in the ear canal. If it’s not treated, the swimmer’s ear could cause more serious complications, like ear infections, which can affect the middle and inner ear.
If you ignore a swimmer’s ear, it can lead to some serious complications. Here are some potential consequences:
• Pus buildup: If the ear canal remains wet and infected, pus can accumulate and cause discomfort, itching, and pain.
• Infection spread: The infection can spread to other parts of the ear, including the eardrum and the mastoid bone, causing more severe symptoms.
• Chronic otitis externa: Ignoring the infection can lead to chronic otitis externa, a condition characterized by recurring infections and inflammation.
• Mastoiditis: If the infection spreads to the mastoid bone, it can cause mastoiditis, a potentially serious infection that requires antibiotics.
• Perforated eardrum: In severe cases, the infection can cause the eardrum to perforate, leading to hearing loss and potentially permanent damage.
• Meningitis: In rare cases, if the infection is left untreated, it can spread to the meninges, the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
To avoid these complications, it’s crucial to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of a swimmer’s ear, such as itching, discomfort, or drainage from the ear canal.
A water-bacterial infection can cause a range of symptoms, including:
• Fever: A sudden onset of fever, usually above 100.4°F (38°C), is a common symptom of a water-bacterial infection.
• Chills: You may experience chills, which a feeling of coldness or clamminess can accompany.
• Flu-like symptoms: Many people experience flu-like symptoms, such as headache, muscle pain, and fatigue, as their body fights the infection.
• Diarrhea: Watery diarrhea is a common symptom of a water-bacterial infection, especially if the infection is caused by E. coli or Salmonella.
• Abdominal cramps: Severe abdominal cramps can occur, especially if the infection is caused by Shigella or Campylobacter.
• Vomiting: Some people may experience vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
• Blood in stool: In some cases, there may be blood in the stool, especially if the infection is caused by E. coli or Shigella.
• Urine symptoms: If the infection is caused by E. coli, you may experience symptoms such as a burning sensation while urinating, frequent urination, or blood in the urine.
• Joint pain: Some people may experience joint pain or swelling, particularly if the infection is caused by Lyme disease or other tick-borne illnesses.
It’s imperative to get some medical attention if you’re having any of these symptoms, especially if you’ve recently consumed contaminated water or engaged in activities that involve water exposure.
While pools can be a great way to cool off, they can also be breeding grounds for bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause diseases. Here are some of the most common pool-borne diseases:
• Shigellosis: A bacterial infection caused by Shigella, that can be spread through contaminated pool water, especially in crowded areas.
• Cryptosporidiosis: A parasitic infection caused by Cryptosporidium, which is often found in pool water and can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, and fever.
• Giardiasis: A parasitic infection caused by Giardia, which can be spread through contaminated pool water and cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, and weight loss.
• Legionnaires’ disease: A bacterial infection caused by Legionella, which can thrive in warm water and cause pneumonia-like symptoms.
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A bacterial infection that can cause skin infections, ear infections, and respiratory problems.
• E. coli: A bacterial infection that can cause urinary tract infections, kidney infections, and other complications.
• MRSA: A bacterial infection caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which can cause skin infections, pneumonia, and other serious conditions.
To minimize the risk of contracting these diseases, it’s essential to follow proper pool hygiene practices, such as regular cleaning and disinfection of the pool and its equipment, showering before swimming, and avoiding swimming if you’re experiencing symptoms of illness.
For effective treatment and care visit PrimeHealth Urgent Care in Ellenton, FL. For more information, contact us or request an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 4015 US HWY 301 North Ellenton, FL 34222. We serve patients from Ellenton FL, Palmetto, FL, West Samoset FL, Memphis FL, Bradenton FL, Port Charlotte FL, Harbour Heights FL, Murdock FL, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need

Additional Services You May Need
• Abscesses
• Sports Injuries
• Bug & Animal Bites
• BV Testing
• COVID Testing
• Drug Testing
• EKG Testing
• Flu Shots
• Foreign Body Removal
• Laceration Repair
• Minor Burn Treatment
• Pelvic Exams
• Strep Testing
• STD Testing
• Fractures, Sprains, & Strains
• Splinting Treatment
• School & Sports Physicals
• TB Testing
• Tetanus Shot
• Urgent Care
• Vaccines
• Wound Care
• Work Injuries
• X-Ray
• Internal Lab Services
• Illness/Injury
• Occupational Medicine
• Employment Physicals
• Common Cold
• Auto Injuries
• Weight Loss
• Wegovy
• Mounjaro
• Telehealth